October 15, 2019

“Listen”, Advice from a Co-Parenting Expert

My colleague Jennifer Luise Champagne, MA is a Licensesd Professional Counselor with 30 plus years of experience working with divorce-related issues. She has been trained as a mediator and a divorce coach, as well as in parenting coordination and co-parenting.

Jennifer’s wise and common sense advice to divorcing parents covers so many important topics. She’s permitted me to share her comments about “Listening” – incredibly powerful because any parent, but especially one who is divorced or divorcing, can easily implement Jennifer’s advice to the benefit of their kids.

Listening. This word is critical to positive communication. By definition, it means to give one’s attention to a sound. It also means to take notice of and act on what someone says.

Often, adults believe they are listening, but are they? Are we truly giving attention to the words that are being spoken? Are we pausing to understand them, pausing to think about them, and asking questions if we don’t understand?

Many times parents in conflict only listen for as long as it takes to begin preparing their reply. Try to slow down when communicating. Pay attention to the words spoken and ensure that they are understood before responding. Attention to content can yield effective dialogue.

Jennifer can be reached at 203-864-6150 or email at jennifer@jenniferluisechampagne.com. Visit her website at

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